Through our programs, we have reached over 1.5 billion people over the space of 10 years
Total People Reached
Countries in West Africa
Infographics & Publications
Communities Engaged
Impact Stories
Celebrating 10 years of Civic Innovation and Social Impact in Nigeria
Engaging State-Owned Enterprises: Triumphs and Trials
BudgIT is Raising Active Citizens and Expanding Budget Access across West Africa
Impact in Numbers
Budget Access
Our primary focus at BudgIT is to open up public finances to a broader set of Nigerians and make them vanguards for service delivery and transparency.
Tracka is a platform designed by BudgIT to enable citizens to follow up on budgetary capital expenditure and constituency projects in their respective communities to enhance service delivery by all tiers of the Nigerian government.
The Extractive Department engaged 324,044 citizens with valuable data concerning government revenue from solid minerals – including the Oil & Gas sector; public data was communicated in visually appealing forms to citizens for better understanding through 166 infographics and eight tweet sessions.
We focus on helping government develop the society by engaging them rigorously on demands of citizens for service delivery and transparency. This will be an approach to intersect civic engagement and institutional response for the intent of developing the society.
Civil Society
BudgIT partners with other civil society organisations to develop reforms policies, strategies and push advocacy messages across every literacy span. We provide technical capacity to civil society organisations seeking to break the loop on bad governance.
BudgIT recognizes the importance of the media in advocating improved governance. We partner with media houses to push messages to people, build journalists capacity on data journalism and share public information.