Research Reports Produced
Social Media Annual Reach
Simplified Infographics Produced
State of States Reports
The Research and Policy Advisory team supports the organisation by designing qualitative and quantitative research plans and methodologies, conducting research on fiscal governance, public financial management, development finance, natural resource governance and, more broadly, other public policy-related issues.
The Research and Policy Advisory team supports the organisation by designing qualitative and quantitative research plans and methodologies, conducting research on fiscal governance, public financial management, development finance, natural resource governance and, more broadly, other public policy-related issues.
This includes the rigorous review of fiscal transparency; granting interviews on various media platforms, including electronic, print media, and social media; participating in panel discussions at several fora focused on BudgIT’s thematic areas; facilitating capacity-building sessions; and leading stakeholder engagements including those with state and non-state actors.
Specifically, other routine work the research team does bothers on Budget Access & Accountability Research, consisting of budget analysis and reports on topical subsections, e.g. health, security, education, agriculture, etc.), Medium Term Expenditure Framework (MTEF) analysis, proposed and approved budget analysis, Budget Implementation Analysis (monthly & quarterly and historical and trend data) and an Audit Tracker.
One flagship product of the Research and Policy Advisory Department is the State of States Publication. The State of States Research is an annual comparative assessment of the fiscal performance and position of the 36 states of the federation. Summarily, the report looks at how States can finance their budgets with revenues generated internally, how States are prioritising investments in human capital development, and the Sustainability of the borrowings of the States.

Currently, the department is spearheading several research projects, including but not limited to one on Epidemic Preparedness Financing and Health Security funded by the Global Health Advocacy Incubator (GHAI); Social Budgeting Including Fiscal Space Studies funded by UNICEF; Improving Transparency and Accountability of State-Owned Enterprises funded by the US Consulate; Budget Credibility Research funded by International Budget Partnership, among others.