Civil servants trained on fiscal analysis
Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) in 6 Nigerian states, trained.
Web portals built, aimed at improving access to information
Communities engaged across focus states.
BudgIT has progressed in sustaining partnerships with subnational governments by providing technical support on fiscal transparency, citizen budgeting, data visualization and data analysis, which aims to improve the capacities of public institutions to deliver results for citizens.
BudgIT’s core work is to partner with institutions and civil society organisations at the national and sub-national levels of government. This directly provides citizens with the information to demand accountability. The support ranges from capacity building to technical support to ensure transparency.
BudgIT has trained 108 state government Directors of Accounts, Budget, and Planning on citizens’ budgets with support from The World Bank in the last few years. In addition, BudgIT has progressed in sustaining partnerships with subnational governments by providing technical support on International Public Sector Accounting Standards (IPSAS), which aims to improve the financial statements in the public sector.
BudgIT continues to nudge states on the Disbursement Links Indicators deadlines while also supporting states to design their citizens’ budgets, which is part of the SFTAS DLIs. Also, BudgIT has signed Memorandums of Understanding with states like Niger, Anambra, Ondo, Lagos, Ebonyi, Kano, and Kogi states (and AMAC – Abuja Municipal Area Council) on subnational transparency. These supports put the state in an excellent position to attract incentives from international agencies such as the World Bank.
Between 2019 and 2021, BudgIT built and launched two web portals aimed at improving access to information and accountability in Nigeria. The first website – https://openstates.ng/ – was created to help citizens access open government data and assist policy publishers in data preservation beyond a data repository. The second website – https://www.govspend.ng/ – simplifies the Federal Government’s Open Treasury report for citizens and Civil Society Organizations to access, monitor, and understand the government’s real-time expenditure. These websites have increased citizens’ participation in public finance, indicating that transparency and accountability are achievable if citizens and governments play their parts.

Our support ranges from capacity building to technical support to ensure transparency.
BudgIT also manages the Open Alliance secretariat – a platform for civil society organisations in Nigeria working together to promote good governance and ensure that Nigeria and its citizens derive maximum benefits from openness and transparency needed for inclusive development and efficient service delivery.
BudgIT has collaborated with many CSOs in Nigeria and is a member of the Open Alliance network, FOI ranking coalition, Kaduna Basic Education Accountability Mechanism (KADBEAM), and Civil Society on Audit in Nigeria (CSCAN), among others. These coalitions have helped to foster transparency and access to information in Nigeria. For example, in 2021, BudgIT trained over 300 CSOs in 6 states (Akwa-Ibom, Gombe, Bauchi, Adamawa, Ebonyi, and Sokoto) on the budget process advocacy, data visualisation, budget tracking, and gender budgeting. USAID’s State2State project supported this.