One Tool That’ll Help You Do More as a Good Nigerian Citizen

Post Author: Nancy Odimegwu

In a democracy, power truly lies with the people. However, too often, the responsibility of participation is left to civil society organisations (CSOs), activists, and the media. While these groups play a crucial role in advocating for transparency and accountability, democratic participation is a right and duty for everyone. To borrow the words of Oluseun Onigbinde, BudgIT’s Global Director, 

Democratic participation is not meant for CSOs, activists, or the media. Every single person needs to be involved. #GetInvolved.”

Democracy thrives when every citizen actively participates. This involvement can take many forms, from voting in elections to engaging in community discussions and holding public officials accountable. When only a few voices are heard, the democratic process is weakened, and the interests of the broader population may not be adequately represented. 

BudgIT has developed a personalised platform called to facilitate this type of inclusive participation. This innovative tool provides valuable insights into federal government projects in your state and local government area and the monthly funds your local government receives. 


How BudgIT’s Personalised Portal Empowers You?

The platform offers detailed information about government projects, making it easier for citizens to monitor progress and hold officials accountable. By knowing where and how funds are spent, you can question discrepancies and push for better management of public funds. Whether it’s new schools, roads, or healthcare facilities, you know what’s planned and being executed in your area.

Often, national issues dominate the conversation, but local governance directly affects daily life. BudgIT’s personalised platform provides data specific to your state and local government area, enabling you to focus on the issues that matter most to your community.

By accessing detailed financial information, you will be empowered to engage in informed discussions and advocacy. This level of transparency helps demystify government operations and encourages a more engaged and proactive citizenry.


How to Use the Platform

  • Visit the Portal: Go to
  • Sign Up: Click on the sign-up button to create an account. The process is simple.
  • Select Your Location: After signing up, choose your state and LGA. This customisation allows you to view information specific to your area.
  • Explore: Once your account is set up, you’ll have access to information about projects and funding in your community.

There’s more. One of the portal’s best features is its flexibility. You can switch between different states and Local Government Areas anytime without logging out or creating another account. This is especially useful if you want to compare how other regions are faring or if you have interests in multiple areas.


How Can You Make the Most of the Personalised Portal?

Government projects and funding updates are conducted frequently, so a regular visit will keep you informed about the latest developments. More so, once you sign up with your email, you will receive an email every time there is an update on how much funds your local government has collected. 

When you receive this information, why keep it to yourself? Inform as many people as possible—individuals, local groups, and CSOs—about your findings. Also, as an active citizen, you can use the data you gather from the portal in discussions with local government officials. Next, put the data to work. Ask questions until you get an answer. By staying informed and taking action, you will be helping to influence the completion of government projects and the effective use of funds. 

So, what are you waiting for? Visit today, sign up, and be a smart, active citizen.

The hope for a functional democracy rests on the active involvement of every citizen.

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Post Author: Nancy Odimegwu

In a democracy, power truly lies with the people. However, too often, the responsibility of participation is left to civil society organisations (CSOs), activists, and the media. While these groups play a crucial role in advocating for transparency and accountability, democratic participation is a right and duty for everyone. To borrow the words of Oluseun Onigbinde, BudgIT’s Global Director, 

Democratic participation is not meant for CSOs, activists, or the media. Every single person needs to be involved. #GetInvolved.”

Democracy thrives when every citizen actively participates. This involvement can take many forms, from voting in elections to engaging in community discussions and holding public officials accountable. When only a few voices are heard, the democratic process is weakened, and the interests of the broader population may not be adequately represented. 

BudgIT has developed a personalised platform called to facilitate this type of inclusive participation. This innovative tool provides valuable insights into federal government projects in your state and local government area and the monthly funds your local government receives. 


How BudgIT’s Personalised Portal Empowers You?

The platform offers detailed information about government projects, making it easier for citizens to monitor progress and hold officials accountable. By knowing where and how funds are spent, you can question discrepancies and push for better management of public funds. Whether it’s new schools, roads, or healthcare facilities, you know what’s planned and being executed in your area.

Often, national issues dominate the conversation, but local governance directly affects daily life. BudgIT’s personalised platform provides data specific to your state and local government area, enabling you to focus on the issues that matter most to your community.

By accessing detailed financial information, you will be empowered to engage in informed discussions and advocacy. This level of transparency helps demystify government operations and encourages a more engaged and proactive citizenry.


How to Use the Platform

  • Visit the Portal: Go to
  • Sign Up: Click on the sign-up button to create an account. The process is simple.
  • Select Your Location: After signing up, choose your state and LGA. This customisation allows you to view information specific to your area.
  • Explore: Once your account is set up, you’ll have access to information about projects and funding in your community.

There’s more. One of the portal’s best features is its flexibility. You can switch between different states and Local Government Areas anytime without logging out or creating another account. This is especially useful if you want to compare how other regions are faring or if you have interests in multiple areas.


How Can You Make the Most of the Personalised Portal?

Government projects and funding updates are conducted frequently, so a regular visit will keep you informed about the latest developments. More so, once you sign up with your email, you will receive an email every time there is an update on how much funds your local government has collected. 

When you receive this information, why keep it to yourself? Inform as many people as possible—individuals, local groups, and CSOs—about your findings. Also, as an active citizen, you can use the data you gather from the portal in discussions with local government officials. Next, put the data to work. Ask questions until you get an answer. By staying informed and taking action, you will be helping to influence the completion of government projects and the effective use of funds. 

So, what are you waiting for? Visit today, sign up, and be a smart, active citizen.

The hope for a functional democracy rests on the active involvement of every citizen.

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